5.3. pyopus.problems.cec13
— Problems from the IEEE CEC 2013 competition

CEC13 test problems (PyOPUS subsystem name: CEC13)
These are the test problems from the IEEE CEC 2013 real-parameter single objective optimization competition [cec13].
Objects of this class are callable. Calling them evaluates the corresponding function.
This module is independent of PyOPUS, meaning that it can be taken as is
and used as a module in some other package. It depends only on the cpi
and the _cec13
The code in the binary module shares variables. If multiple CEC13 functions are created the initialization will take place automatically whenever a different function from the previous one is evaluated. Evaluation takes time so make sure you don’t switch functions frequently.
Liang J. J., Qu B. Y., Suganthan P. N., Hernández-Diaz A. G.: Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2013 Special Session on Real-Parameter Optimization, Technical Report 201212, Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China, Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2013.
- class pyopus.problems.cec13.CEC13(name=None, number=None, n=10)[source]
CEC13 test problems.
name - problem name
number - problem number (0-27)
n - problem dimension
- problem namen
- number of variablesxl
- vector of lower bounds on variablesxh
- vector of upper bounds on variablesxmin
- best known minimum positionfmin
- best known minimum value
- cpi()[source]
Returns the common problem interface.
Gradient is not supported.
See the
class for more information.
- names = ['Sphere', 'RotatedElliptic', 'RotatedCigar', 'RotatedDiscus', 'DifferentPowers', 'RotatedRosenbrock', 'RotatedSchafferF7', 'RotatedAckley', 'RotatedWeierstrass', 'RotatedGriewank', 'Rastrigin', 'RotatedRastrigin', 'DiscontinuousRotatedRastrigin', 'Schwefel', 'RotatedSchwefel', 'RotatedKatsuura', 'LunacekBiRastrigin', 'RotatedLunacekBiRastrigin', 'ExpandedGriewankRosenbrock', 'ExpandedSchafferF6', 'Composited1', 'Composited2', 'Composited3', 'Composited4', 'Composited5', 'Composited6', 'Composited7', 'Composited8']
List of all function names
Example file cec13.py in folder demo/problems/
# CEC13 problems test suite
from pyopus.problems.cec13 import *
import numpy as np
if __name__=='__main__':
print("CEC13 problems, n=10")
for ii in range(len(CEC13.names)):
prob=CEC13(number=ii, n=10)
print("%2d: %40s: f0=%14e fmincalc=%14e fmin=%14e" % (ii, prob.name, f0, fmincalc, prob.fmin))