11.1.7. Task log tabs
The log tab for the active task can be opened by selecting Task/View log in the main menu. Log tabs can be closed. They display the contents of a log file (which is a text file with particular structure).

A task log tab.
In the top part of a log tab is the path to the log file and the timepoint when the log was created (timepoint of the first entry). Below this a group of checkboxes makes it possible to enable/disable the display of
relative time of log entries with respect to log start
host where the log entries originates from
local process IDs of the tasks that created the entries
local microthread IDs of the microthreads that created the entries
PyOPUS subsystem IDs specifying the subsystems that created the messages
The log can be scrolled. If the Tail checkbox is checked then the log jumps to its last entry whenever a new entry is detected in the log file.