10.4.7. Optimizing a circuit

This demo shows how to optimize the circuit by minimizing an aggregate cost function. Read chapter Constructing an aggregate cost function to learn more about the pyopus.evaluator.aggregate.Aggregator class.

The problem definition in the main file runme.py in folder demo/evaluation/05-optimize/ is identical to the one in chapter Constructing an aggregate cost function. Only the differences are given in this document.

First we import the the things we need.

from pyopus.evaluator.performance import PerformanceEvaluator, updateAnalysisCount
from pyopus.evaluator.aggregate import *
from pyopus.evaluator.auxfunc import listParamDesc
from pyopus.optimizer import optimizerClass

For every parameter we define the bounds (low and high) and the initial values.

	costInput = { 
		'mirr_w': {
			'init': 7.456e-005, 
			'lo':	1e-6, 
			'hi':	95e-6, 
		'mirr_l': {
			'init': 5.6e-007, 
			'lo':	0.18e-6, 
			'hi':	4e-6, 
		'out_w': {
			'init': 4.801e-005, 
			'lo':	1e-6, 
			'hi':	95e-6, 
		'out_l': {
			'init': 3.8e-007, 
			'lo':	0.18e-6, 
			'hi':	4e-6, 
		'load_w': {
			'init': 3.486e-005, 
			'lo':	1e-6, 
			'hi':	95e-6, 
		'load_l': {
			'init': 2.57e-006, 
			'lo':	0.18e-6, 
			'hi':	4e-6, 
		'dif_w': {
			'init': 7.73e-006, 
			'lo':	1e-6, 
			'hi':	95e-6, 
		'dif_l': {
			'init': 1.08e-006, 
			'lo':	0.18e-6, 
			'hi':	4e-6, 

We choose an ordering for the parameters so that we can form parameter vectors.


The optimization is invoked in the main program. We perform it with the Hooke-Jeeves optimizer. We limit the number of circuit evaluations to 1000.

	# Performance evaluator
	pe=PerformanceEvaluator(heads, analyses, measures, corners, variables=variables, debug=0)

	# Cost evaluator
	# Input parameter order in vector x is defined by inOrder. 
	ce=Aggregator(pe, costDefinition, inOrder, debug=0)

	# Vectors of initial, low, and high values of input parameters. 
	xlow=listParamDesc(costInput, inOrder, "lo")
	xhi=listParamDesc(costInput, inOrder, "hi")
	xinit=listParamDesc(costInput, inOrder, "init")
	# Optimizer (Hooke-Jeeves). xlo and xhi must be numpy arrays. 
	opt=optimizerClass("HookeJeeves")(ce, xlo=xlow, xhi=xhi, maxiter=1000)

	# Set initial point. Must be a numpy array. 

	# Install reporter plugin. 
	# Print cost. Also print performance every time the cost is decreased. 

	# Install stopper plugin. 
	# Stop run when all requirements are satisfied (all cost contributions are 0 or less) 

	# Run

	# Optimization result
	# Final evaluation at xresult. 
	# Print results. 
	print("\n\nFinal cost: "+str(cf)+", found in iter "+str(iterresult)+", total "+str(opt.niter)+" iteration(s)")
	print(ce.formatResults(nMeasureName=10, nCornerName=15))
	print("Performance in corners")
	print(pe.formatResults(outOrder, nMeasureName=10, nCornerName=15))
	# Every call to pe results in the same analysis count. 
	# Therefore we can multiply the analysis count of a single pe call
	# with the number of calls to get the actual analysis count. 
	updateAnalysisCount(acnt, pe.analysisCount, opt.niter+1)
	print("Analysis count: "+str(acnt))
	# Cleanup intemediate files

This is the output we get after the optimization is finished

Final cost: -0.00175869779887, found in iter 47, total 47 iteration(s)
          dif_l:    1.462000e-06
          dif_w:    7.730000e-06
         load_l:    3.716000e-06
         load_w:    1.606000e-05
         mirr_l:    5.600000e-07
         mirr_w:    5.576000e-05
          out_l:    1.800000e-07
          out_w:    6.681000e-05
      isup  <  1.000e-03    | .    1.106e-03     worst_power : 0
    out_op  <  1.000e+01    |      1.009e+00     worst_power : 0
   vgs_drv  >  1.000e-03    |      4.457e-03         nominal : 0
   vds_drv  >  1.000e-03    |      6.339e-02     worst_speed : 0
     swing  >  1.500e+00    |      1.506e+00     worst_speed : -3.82e-06
 mirr_area  <  8.000e-10    |      6.245e-10         nominal : -0.00175

Performance in corners
 mirr_area |         nominal:    6.245e-10
      isup |         nominal:    1.079e-03
           |     worst_power:    1.106e-03
           |     worst_speed:    1.063e-03
    out_op |         nominal:    9.363e-01
           |     worst_power:    1.009e+00
           |     worst_speed:    9.093e-01
   vgs_drv |         nominal: [ 0.24441163  0.26256044  0.00445736]
           |     worst_power: [ 0.30278812  0.30734632  0.0101956 ]
           |     worst_speed: [ 0.32222824  0.32687977  0.01898317]
           |       worst_one: [ 0.30044591  0.30543455  0.01019236]
           |      worst_zero: [ 0.32116742  0.32542464  0.0189832 ]
   vds_drv |         nominal: [ 1.12073222  0.4485023   0.1022935 ]
           |     worst_power: [ 0.8711309   0.52563123  0.22122619]
           |     worst_speed: [ 0.69354036  0.30536617  0.06339319]
           |       worst_one: [ 0.62915635  0.22867587  0.1455108 ]
           |      worst_zero: [ 0.81162835  0.48450811  0.06420577]
     swing |         nominal:    1.555e+00
           |     worst_power:    1.721e+00
           |     worst_speed:    1.506e+00
           |       worst_one:    1.509e+00
           |      worst_zero:    1.520e+00

Analysis count: {'op': 240, 'dc': 240, 'dccom': 240}