Source code for pyopus.problems.karmitsa

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
.. inheritance-diagram:: pyopus.problems.karmitsa
    :parts: 1
**Large scale nonsmooth test functions (Karmitsa set)
(PyOPUS subsystem name: KARMITSA)**

This module is independent of PyOPUS, meaning that it can be taken as is 
and used as a module in some other package. It depends only on the :mod:`cpi` 
and the :mod:`_karmitsa` modules. 

.. [karmitsa] Karmitsa N.: Test Problems for Large-Scale Nonsmooth 
              Minimization, Technical report B.4/2007,
              University of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla, 2007. 
from . import _karmitsa
import os
import numpy as np
from .cpi import CPI, MemberWrapper, TestFunctionError
	from ..misc.debug import DbgMsg
	def DbgMsg(x, y):
		return x+": "+y

__all__ = [ 'LSNSU', 'LSNSB', 'LSNSI' ]
[docs]class LSNSU(CPI): """ Unconstrained problems from the Karmitsa test suite. Problems 10 and 11 were added by Á. Bűrmen. * *name* - problem name * *number* - problem number (0-11) * *n* - problem dimension Attributes: * :attr:`name` - problem name * :attr:`n` - number of variables * :attr:`initial` - initial values of variables * :attr:`fmin` - best known minimum This module is independent of PyOPUS, meaning that it can be taken as is and used as a module in some other package. It depends only on the cpi and the _karmitsa modules. """ fminTab=[ 0.0, 0.0, np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN, 0.0, 0.0, np.NaN, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, np.NaN ] names=[ "GeneralizedMAXQ", "GeneralizedMXHILB", "ChainedLQ", "ChainedCB3I", "ChainedCB3II", "ActiveFaces", "GeneralizedBrown2", "ChainedMifflin2", "ChainedCrescentI", "ChainedCrescentII", "GeneralizedL1HILB", "GeneralizedWatson" ] "List of all function names" functionNumber=dict(zip(names, range(len(names)))) def __init__(self, name=None, number=None, n=2): if number is None and name is None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Must specify name or number.")) if number is not None and name is not None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Name and number cannot be specified at the same time.")) if number is not None: self.number=number if number<0 or number>11: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Bad problem number."))[number] if name is not None: if name not in self.functionNumber: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Function not found.")) self.number=self.functionNumber[name] self.n=n self.initial=_karmitsa.startxu(self.number, self.n) if self.initial is None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Problem selection error.")) if self.number==2: self.fmin=-(self.n-1)*2.0**0.5 elif self.number==3: self.fmin=2.0*(self.n-1) elif self.number==4: self.fmin=2.0*(self.n-1) elif self.number==7: if self.n==50: self.fmin=-34.795 elif self.n==200: self.fmin=-140.86 elif self.n==1000: self.fmin=-706.55 else: self.fmin=None else: self.fmin=self.fminTab[self.number]
[docs] def f(self, x): """ Returns the value of the function at *x*. """ if x.size!=self.n: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Bad function argument.")) dat=_karmitsa.funcu(self.number, x) if dat is None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Evaluation failed.")) (f,g)=dat return f
[docs] def cpi(self): """ Returns the common problem interface. Subgradient is not supported. xmin is also not available. See the :class:`CPI` class for more information. """ itf=self.prepareCPI(self.n, m=0) itf['name'] itf['x0']=self.initial itf['f']=MemberWrapper(self, 'f') # Gradient is not supported # itf['g']=MemberWrapper(self, 'g') if 'fmin' in self.__dict__: itf['fmin']=self.fmin return self.fixBounds(itf)
[docs]class LSNSB(CPI): """ Bound constrained problems from the Karmitsa test suite. * *name* - problem name * *number* - problem number (0-9) * *n* - problem dimension * *feasible* - 0=initial point unchanged, 1=feasible, 2=strictly feasible, default=1 Attributes: * :attr:`name` - problem name * :attr:`n` - number of variables * :attr:`xl` - lower bounds on variables * :attr:`xh` - upper bounds on variables * :attr:`initial` - initial values of variables * :attr:`fmin` - best known minimum This module is independent of PyOPUS, meaning that it can be taken as is and used as a module in some other package. It depends only on the cpi and the _karmitsa modules. """ fminTab=[ 0.0, 0.0, np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN, 0.0, 0.0, np.NaN, 0.0, 0.0 ] names=[ "GeneralizedMAXQ", "GeneralizedMXHILB", "ChainedLQ", "ChainedCB3I", "ChainedCB3II", "ActiveFaces", "GeneralizedBrown2", "ChainedMifflin2", "ChainedCrescentI", "ChainedCrescentII", ] "List of all function names" functionNumber=dict(zip(names, range(len(names)))) def __init__(self, name=None, number=None, n=2, feasible=1): if number is None and name is None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Must specify name or number.")) if number is not None and name is not None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Name and number cannot be specified at the same time.")) if number is not None: self.number=number if number<0 or number>9: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Bad problem number."))[number] if name is not None: if name not in self.functionNumber: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Function not found.")) self.number=self.functionNumber[name] self.n=n x0=_karmitsa.startxb(self.number, self.n) if x0 is None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Problem selection error.")) (bt, xl, xh)=_karmitsa.bounds(self.number, self.n) self.xl=np.where(bt==3, -np.Inf, xl) self.xh=np.where(bt==1, np.Inf, xh) # Project to feasible region if feasible==1: x0=np.where(x0<self.xl, xl, x0) x0=np.where(x0>self.xh, xh, x0) elif feasible==2: feas=1e-4 x0=np.where(x0<=self.xl, xl+feas, x0) x0=np.where(x0>=self.xh, xh-feas, x0) self.initial=x0 if self.number==2: self.fmin=-(self.n-1)*2.0**0.5 elif self.number==3: self.fmin=2.0*(self.n-1) elif self.number==4: self.fmin=2.0*(self.n-1) elif self.number==7: if self.n==50: self.fmin=-34.795 elif self.n==200: self.fmin=-140.86 elif self.n==1000: self.fmin=-706.55 else: self.fmin=None else: self.fmin=self.fminTab[self.number]
[docs] def f(self, x): """ Returns the value of the function at *x*. """ if x.size!=self.n: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Bad function argument.")) dat=_karmitsa.funcb(self.number, x) (f,g)=dat if dat is None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Evaluation failed.")) return f
[docs] def cpi(self): """ Returns the common problem interface. Subgradient is not supported. xmin is also not available. See the :class:`CPI` class for more information. """ itf=self.prepareCPI(self.n, m=0) itf['name'] itf['xlo']=self.xl itf['xhi']=self.xh itf['x0']=self.initial itf['f']=MemberWrapper(self, 'f') # Gradient is not supported # itf['g']=MemberWrapper(self, 'g') if 'fmin' in self.__dict__: itf['fmin']=self.fmin return self.fixBounds(itf)
[docs]class LSNSI(CPI): """ Inequality constrained problems from the Karmitsa test suite. * *name* - function name * *number* - function number (0-9) * *cname* - constraint name * *cnumber* - constraint number (0-7) * *n* - problem dimension Attributes: * :attr:`name` - problem name * :attr:`fname` - function name * :attr:`cname` - constraint name * :attr:`n` - number of variables * :attr:`m` - number of constraints * :attr:`cl` - lower bounds on constraint functions * :attr:`ch` - upper bounds on constraint functions * :attr:`initial` - initial values of variables This module is independent of PyOPUS, meaning that it can be taken as is and used as a module in some other package. It depends only on the cpi and the _karmitsa modules. """ names=[ "GeneralizedMAXQ", "GeneralizedMXHILB", "ChainedLQ", "ChainedCB3I", "ChainedCB3II", "ActiveFaces", "GeneralizedBrown2", "ChainedMifflin2", "ChainedCrescentI", "ChainedCrescentII", ] "List of all function names" cnames=[ "TridiagonalI", "TridiagonalII", "MAD1I", "MAD1II", "ModifiedMAD1I", "ModifiedMAD1II", "P20I", "P20II", ] "List of all constraint names" functionNumber=dict(zip(names, range(len(names)))) constraintNumber=dict(zip(cnames, range(len(cnames)))) def __init__(self, name=None, number=None, cname=None, cnumber=None, n=10): if number is None and name is None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Must specify function name or number.")) if number is not None and name is not None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Function name and number cannot be specified at the same time.")) if cnumber is None and cname is None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Must specify constraint name or number.")) if cnumber is not None and cname is not None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Constraint name and number cannot be specified at the same time.")) if number is not None: self.fnumber=number if number<0 or number>9: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Bad function number.")) self.fname=self.names[number] if name is not None: if name not in self.functionNumber: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Function not found.")) self.fnumber=self.functionNumber[name] self.fname=name if cnumber is not None: self.cnumber=cnumber if cnumber<0 or cnumber>7: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Bad constraint number.")) self.cname=self.cnames[cnumber] if cname is not None: if cname not in self.constraintNumber: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Constraint not found.")) self.cnumber=self.constraintNumber[cname] self.cname=cname"_"+self.cname self.n=n dat=_karmitsa.xinit3(self.fnumber, self.cnumber, self.n) if dat is None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Problem selection error.")) (x0,m)=dat self.initial=x0 self.m=m
[docs] def f(self, x): """ Returns the value of the function at *x*. """ if x.size!=self.n: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Bad function argument.")) dat=_karmitsa.funci(self.fnumber, x) if dat is None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Function evaluation failed.")) (f,g)=dat return f
[docs] def c(self, x): """ Returns the value of the constraints at *x*. """ if x.size!=self.n: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Bad function argument.")) dat=_karmitsa.cineq(self.fnumber, self.cnumber, x) if dat is None: raise TestFunctionError(DbgMsg("KARMITSA", "Constraint evaluation failed.")) (c,J)=dat return c
[docs] def cpi(self): """ Returns the common problem interface. Subgradient is not supported. xmin is also not available. See the :class:`CPI` class for more information. """ itf=self.prepareCPI(self.n, self.m) itf['name'] itf['x0']=self.initial itf['f']=MemberWrapper(self, 'f') itf['c']=MemberWrapper(self, 'c') # Gradient is not supported # itf['g']=MemberWrapper(self, 'g') if 'fmin' in self.__dict__: itf['fmin']=self.fmin itf['clo'] itf['chi'] return self.fixBounds(itf)