Source code for pyopus.parallel.mpi

.. inheritance-diagram:: pyopus.parallel.mpi
    :parts: 1
**A virtual machine based on MPI and mpi4py (PyOPUS subsystem name: MPI)**

Attempts to import :mod:`mpi4py`. If import fails the mpi4py wrapper for the 
MPI library is not available on the computer and an arror is raised. 

# MPI launcher module
from ..misc.dbgprint import MessagePrinter
from ..misc.debug import DbgDefaultPrint, DbgSetDefaultPrinter, DbgMsgOut, DbgMsg

from . import base
from .base import VirtualMachine, HostID, TaskID, MsgTaskExit, MsgTaskResult, getNumberOfCores

# Try importing MPI support. If it fails, raise our own exception. 
	from mpi4py import MPI as mpi
except ImportError:
	raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("MPI", "Failed to import mpi4py module. MPI not supported."))

if base.firstVM is not None:
	raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("MPI", "MPI does not coexist with other VM types."))
import sys, os, shutil
from time import time
from sys import exc_info
from traceback import format_exception
from ..misc.env import environ
from ..misc import identify
from .. import PyOpusError

__all__ = [ 'MPIHostID', 'MPITaskID', 'MPI' ] 

[docs]class MPIHostID(HostID): """ A MPI host ID class based on the :class:`~pyopus.parallel.base.HostID` class. In the MPI library does not provide host IDs so we use hostnames. Invalid host ID has ``None`` for hostname. The actual hostname can be accessed as the :attr:`name` member. See the :class:`~pyopus.parallel.base.HostID` class for more information. """
[docs] @staticmethod def bad(): """ A static member function. Called with ``MPIHostID.bad()``. Returns an invalid host ID. """ return MPIHostID(None)
def __init__(self, name): def __eq__(self, other): if self is None or other is None: return self is None and other is None return def __ne__(self, other): if self is None or other is None: return not (self is None and other is None) return! def __hash__(self): return hash( def __str__(self): if self.valid(): return "%s" % ( else: return "MPI_NOHOST" def __repr__(self): return "MPIHostID("+repr(")"
[docs] def valid(self): """ Returns ``True`` if this :class:`MPIHostID` object is valid. """ if is None: return False else: return True
[docs]class MPITaskID(TaskID): """ A MPI task ID class based on the :class:`~pyopus.parallel.base.TaskID` class. A task ID is composed of MPI rank and task number which is assigned by the spawner. Valid task IDs have nonnegative rank. The actual rank and task number can be accessed as :attr:`rank` and :attr:`number` members. See the :class:`~pyopus.parallel.base.TaskID` class for more information. """
[docs] @staticmethod def bad(): """ A static member function. Called with ``MPITaskID.bad()``. Returns an invalid task ID. """ return MPITaskID(-1)
def __init__(self, rank, number=None): if rank is None or rank<0: rank=-1 self.rank=rank self.number=number def __eq__(self, other): return self.rank==other.rank and self.number==other.number def __ne__(self, other): return self.rank!=other.rank or self.number!=other.number def __hash__(self): return self.rank+self.number def __nonzero__(self): return self.rank is not None and self.rank>=0 def __str__(self): if self.valid(): return "%d:%d" % (self.rank, self.number) else: return "MPI_NOTASK" def __repr__(self): return "MPITaskID("+repr(self.rank)+", "+repr(self.number)+")"
[docs] def valid(self): """ Returns ``True`` if this :class:`MPITaskID` object is valid. """ if self.rank<0: return False else: return True
[docs]class MPI(VirtualMachine): """ A virtual machine class based on the mpi4py wrapper for MPI. One task (rank 0) is the spawner and does all the spawning. This is the main task that runs the main program. Other tasks (rank>0) are workers. Workers run a spawn loop in which they receive spawn requests from the spawner. A worker can run one spawned task at a time. If the task fails (caught exception), the spawner is notified, upon which the loop expects a new spawn requst. If a task finishes cleanly the spawner is also notified. The point at which the spawner and the workers separate is in the :meth:`spawnerBarrier` method (this is also the place where the worker's spawn loop is entered. The spawner is the only task that returns from :meth:`spawnerBarrier`. Workers exit the spawn loop only when they receive an exit request from the spawner (i.e. only when the MPI application is about to terminate). Assumes homogeneous clusters. This means that LINUX32 and LINUX64 are not homogeneous, as well as LINUX32 and WINDOWS32. Inhomogenous clusters are possible if the undelying MPI library has supports for this feature. See the :class:`~pyopus.parallel.base.VirtualMachine` class for more information on the constructor. """ # Static members - only once per every process that uses MPI. # Next task number nextTaskNumber=None # Host name host=mpi.Get_processor_name() # Rank rank=None # Task number taskNumber=None # For spawner vmStatus=None """ Static member that appears once per every Python process using the MPI library. Available only on the spawner. Represents the status of the MPI virtual machine. """ def __init__(self, debug=0, startupDir=None, translateStartupDir=True, mirrorMap=None, persistentStorage=False): VirtualMachine.__init__( self, debug, startupDir=startupDir, translateStartupDir=translateStartupDir, mirrorMap=mirrorMap, persistentStorage=persistentStorage ) self.setWorkerDebug(debug) if debug>0: DbgMsgOut("MPI", "MPI object created, rank=%d on %s." % (MPI.rank,
[docs] @staticmethod def slots(): """ Returns the number of slots for tasks in a virtual machine. Works only on the spawner. Calls mpi.COMM_WORLD.Get_size(). """ if MPI.vmStatus is None: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("MPI", "Task not configured as spawner.")) return mpi.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()
[docs] @staticmethod def freeSlots(): """ Returns the number of free slots for tasks in the virtual machine. The slot bookkeeping is done by hand. Works only on the spawner. """ if MPI.vmStatus is None: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("MPI", "Task not configured as spawner.")) return mpi.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()-len(MPI.vmStatus['usedSlots'])
[docs] @staticmethod def freeSlotsSet(): """ Returns the slot numbers of free slots. Works only on the spawner. """ return MPI.vmStatus['freeSlots']
[docs] @staticmethod def hostsWithFreeSlots(): """ Returns set of objects of class :class:`HostID` corresponding to hosts with at least one free slot. Works only on the spawner. """ return MPI.vmStatus['freeHosts']
[docs] @staticmethod def hosts(): """ Returns a list of :class:`MPIHostID` objects corresponding to all hosts. Works only on the spawner. """ if MPI.vmStatus is None: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("MPI", "Task not configured as spawner.")) lst=[] for name in MPI.vmStatus['hosts'].keys(): lst.append(MPIHostID(name)) return lst
[docs] @staticmethod def taskID(): """ Returns the :class:`MPITaskID` object corresponding to the calling task. """ return MPITaskID(MPI.rank, MPI.taskNumber)
[docs] @staticmethod def hostID(taskID=None): """ Returns the :class:`MPIHostID` object corresponding to *task*. If *task* is not specified, the :class:`MPIHostID` object corresponding to the caller task is returned. """ if taskID is None: return MPIHostID( else: return MPIHostID(MPI.vmStatus['slot2host'][taskID.rank])
[docs] @staticmethod def parentTaskID(): """ Returns the :class:`MPITaskID` object corresponding to the task that spawned the caller task. """ if MPI.rank==0: return MPITaskID(-1,-1) else: return MPITaskID(0,0)
[docs] @staticmethod def formatSpawnerConfig(): """ Formats the configuration information gathered by a spawner task as a string. Works only if called by a spawner task. """ if MPI.vmStatus is None: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("MPI", "Task not configured as spawner.")) hosts=MPI.vmStatus['hosts'] slots=MPI.vmStatus['slots'] txt="" for host in hosts.keys(): txt1="" lfree=[] for slot in hosts[host]['slots']: if slots[slot]['taskNumber']<0: # Free slot lfree.append(slot) else: txt1+="\tslot=%4d task=%4d\n" % (slot, slots[slot]['taskNumber']) txt+="%s ncpu=%d free slots: %s\n" % (host, hosts[host]['ncpu'], str(lfree)) txt+=txt1 return txt
[docs] def setWorkerDebug(self, debug=0): """ Sets the worker debug message level to *debug*. """ comm=mpi.COMM_WORLD worldsize=comm.Get_size() for rank in range(1, worldsize): comm.send( debug, dest=rank, tag=MPIMSGTAG_SET_DEBUG )
[docs] def spawnFunction(self, function, args=(), kwargs={}, count=None, targetList=None, sendBack=True): """ Spawns *count* instances of a Python *function* on remote hosts and passes *args* and *kwargs* to the function. Spawning a function does not start a new Python interpreter. A worker is running is a spawn loop where spawn requests are executed. *targetList* specifies the hosts on which the tasks are started. If *sendBack* is ``True`` the status and the return value of the spawned function are sent back to the spawner with a :class:`pyopus.parallel.base.MsgTaskResult` message when the spawned function returns. Invokes the :func:`runFunctionWithArgs` function on the remote host for starting the spawned function. If spawning succeeds, updates the :attr:`vmStatus` attribute. Spawns only in free slots. Works only on the spawner. Returns a list of :class:`MPITaskID` objects representing the spawned tasks. See the :meth:`~pyopus.parallel.base.spawnFunction` method of the :class:`~pyopus.parallel.base.VirtualMachine` class for more information. """ if MPI.vmStatus is None: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("MPI", "Task not configured as spawner.")) # Get a list of free slots on specified hosts/all hosts slotlist=[] if targetList is None: #for host in MPI.vmStatus['hosts'].keys(): # slotlist.extend(MPI.vmStatus['hosts'][host]['freeSlots']) slotlist=MPI.vmStatus['freeSlots'] else: for hostObj in targetList: slotlist.extend(MPI.vmStatus['hosts'][host]['freeSlots']) # No tasks spawned for now taskIDlist=[] # Spawn if there is any place left comm=mpi.COMM_WORLD while len(slotlist)>0: # Check number of spawned tasks if count is not None and len(taskIDlist)>=count: break # Prepare task number taskNumber=MPI.nextTaskNumber MPI.nextTaskNumber+=1 # Prepare destination slot=slotlist.pop() # Spawn descriptor=self.func2desc(function) comm.send( (self, descriptor, args, kwargs, sendBack, taskNumber), dest=slot, tag=MPIMSGTAG_SPAWN ) # Update vmStatus host=MPI.vmStatus['slots'][slot]['host'] MPI.vmStatus['hosts'][host]['freeSlots'].discard(slot) MPI.vmStatus['slots'][slot]['taskNumber']=taskNumber if len(MPI.vmStatus['hosts'][host]['freeSlots'])<=0: MPI.vmStatus['freeHosts'].discard(MPIHostID(host)) MPI.vmStatus['usedSlots'].add(slot) MPI.vmStatus['freeSlots'].discard(slot) # Prepare MPITaskID object taskIDlist.append(MPITaskID(slot, taskNumber)) return taskIDlist
[docs] def spawnerCall(self, function, args=(), kwargs={}, asynchr=False): """ Calls *function* with *args* and *kwargs* in the spawner task. If *asynchr* is ``False`` waits for the call to finish and returns the function's return value. If called in a worker task delegates the call to the spawner. If called in a spawner task, calls *function* locally. This function is useful for sending data to a central point (spawner) where it is processed (e.g. for database writes, logging, etc.). """ if MPI.vmStatus is not None: # We are on spawner, run locally, return the return value return function(*args, **kwargs) else: # Send a request to the spawner # Function descriptor descriptor=self.func2desc(function) # Send comm=mpi.COMM_WORLD comm.send( (self, descriptor, args, kwargs, asynchr), dest=0, # spawner tag=MPIMSGTAG_SPAWNER_CALL ) # Await response if not asynchr: received=receiveMPIMessage( timeout=-1.0, msgTag=MPIMSGTAG_SPAWNER_CALL_RESULT, fromRank=0 ) # None means error. No message. if received is None: return None return received
[docs] def checkForIncoming(self, fromDestination=None): """ Returns ``True`` if there is a message waiting to be received. *fromDestination* is the :class:`MPITaskID` of the message source. ``None`` implies any source. """ fromRank=-1 if fromDestination is None else fromDestination.rank val, tag, rank = checkForIncoming(fromRank=fromRank) return val
[docs] def receiveMessage(self, timeout=-1.0, fromDestination=None): """ Receives a *message* (a Python object) and returns a tuple (*senderTaskId*, *message*) The sender of the *message* can be identified through the *senderTaskId* object of class :class:`MPITaskID`. If *timeout* (seconds) is negative the function waits (blocks) until some message arrives. If *timeout*>0 seconds pass without receiving a message, an empty tuple is returned. Zero *timeout* performs a nonblocking receive which returns an empty tuple if no message is received. Note that timeout>0 is implemented a bit kludgy with a poll loop. In case of an error or discarded message returns ``None``. Handles transparently all * task exit notification messages * spawned function return value messages Discards all other low-level MPI messages that were not sent with the :meth:`sendMessage` method. """ # Some messages are handled transparently # MPIMSGTAG_EXIT # MPIMSGTAG_DBGMSG # all unknown messages # On blocking receive we must receive messages until we get a # non-transparently handled message. # On timeout receive we must receive messages until timeout # expires, upon which () is returned to indicate timeout. # On nonblocking receive until first non transparent message is received # or we are out of messages (we return ()). # receive any message from any source fromRank=-1 if fromDestination is None else fromDestination.rank # Mark time for receives with timeout if timeout>0: mark=time() timeoutLeft=timeout while True: # Receive it received=receiveMPIMessage(timeoutLeft, fromRank=fromRank) # None means error. No message. if received is None: return None # Empty tuple means timeout in timeout mode or no message in nonblocking mode if len(received)==0: # Is this a timeout receive if timeout>0: # Recompute remaining timeout timeoutLeft=timeout-(time()-mark) # No more time remaining, return () indicating timeout if timeoutLeft<0: return () else: # Nonblocking receive # No more messages, return () return () # Unpack tuple (source, msgTag, msg)=received # Handle messages # Transparently handling/discarding messages does not return. # For all other handled messages we return. if msgTag==MPIMSGTAG_EXIT: # Request to exit spawn loop # Ignore if we are the spawner if vmStatus is None: mpi.Finalize() sys.exit() elif msgTag==MPIMSGTAG_DBGMSG: # Debug message transparent=True DbgDefaultPrint(msg) elif msgTag==MPIMSGTAG_TASK_EXCEPTION: # Exception raised in task for line in msg[0]: DbgMsgOut("MPI", line) MPI.finalize() raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("MPI", "Exception in remote task.")) elif msgTag==MPIMSGTAG_MESSAGE: # Unpack task number and message (fromTaskNumber, toTaskNumber, message)=msg # Discard transparently if toTaskNumber does not match our task number if toTaskNumber!=MPI.taskNumber: pass else: return (MPITaskID(source, fromTaskNumber), message) elif msgTag==MPIMSGTAG_SPAWNER_CALL: # Unpack (descriptor, args, kwargs, asynchr)=msg # Get function from descriptor function=VirtualMachine.desc2func(descriptor) # Call retval=function(*args, **kwargs) # Send back return value if not asynchr: sendMPIMessage( source.rank, MPIMSGTAG_SPAWNER_CALL_RESULT, retval ) elif msgTag==MPIMSGTAG_TASK_RETVAL: # Unpack task number, success flag, and response (taskNumber, success, response)=msg return (MPITaskID(source, taskNumber), MsgTaskResult(success, response)) elif msgTag==MPIMSGTAG_TASK_EXIT: # Unpack task number, success flag, and response taskNumber=msg if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("MPI", "Task "+str(MPITaskID(source, taskNumber))+" exit detected.") # Update vmStatus if message matches the taskNumber in vmStatus if MPI.vmStatus['slots'][source]['taskNumber']==taskNumber: MPI.vmStatus['slots'][source]['taskNumber']=-1 host=MPI.vmStatus['slots'][source]['host'] MPI.vmStatus['hosts'][host]['freeSlots'].add(source) if len(MPI.vmStatus['hosts'][host]['freeSlots'])>0: MPI.vmStatus['freeHosts'].add(MPIHostID(host)) MPI.vmStatus['usedSlots'].discard(source) MPI.vmStatus['freeSlots'].add(source) taskID=MPITaskID(source, taskNumber) return (taskID, MsgTaskExit(taskID)) else: # Unknown message, discard transparently pass
[docs] def sendMessage(self, destination, message): """ Sends *message* (a Python object) to a task with :class:`MPITaskID` *destination*. Returns ``True`` on success. Sends also our own task number and the destination task number. """ return sendMPIMessage( destination.rank, MPIMSGTAG_MESSAGE, (MPI.taskNumber, destination.number, message) )
def _broadcastNewPersistentObject(self, obj, oid): """ Broadcasts object *obj* associated with persistent object id *id*. to all workers. """ # Use our custom pickler for object persistence # mpi.pickle.dumps=base._dumps # Does not work under Windows, Python 3.7.4 # mpi.pickle.loads=base._loads mpi.pickle.__init__(base._dumps, base._loads) if MPI.rank!=0: # Do nothing on workers return # raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("VM", "Only master can broadcast persistent object management messages.")) for r in range(1, self.slots()): if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("MPI", ("Broadcasting persistent object 0x%x to rank %d" % (oid, r))) sendMPIMessage( r, MPIMSGTAG_ADD_PERSISTENT_OBJECT, (obj, oid) ) def _broadcastPersistentObjectDeletion(self, oid): """ Broadcasts a message to all workers that persistent object with id *id* should be removed from teh table of persistent objects. """ if MPI.rank!=0: # Do nothing on workers return # raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("VM", "Only master can broadcast persistent object management messages.")) if self.debug: DbgMsgOut("MPI", ("Broadcasting deletion of persistent object 0x%x to workers." % oid)) for r in range(1, self.slots()): sendMPIMessage( r, MPIMSGTAG_REMOVE_PERSISTENT_OBJECT, oid )
[docs] @staticmethod def finalize(): """ Asks workers to exit politely. Then calls Finalize(). See :meth:`VirtualMachine.finalize` for more information. """ comm=mpi.COMM_WORLD for rank in range(1, comm.Get_size()): comm.send(0, dest=rank, tag=MPIMSGTAG_EXIT) mpi.Finalize()
# # Message tags # MPIMSGTAG_REQUEST_NCPU=1 """ The message tag for a cpu count and hostname request. """ MPIMSGTAG_NCPU=2 """ The message tag for a cpu count and hostname response. """ MPIMSGTAG_EXIT=3 """ Exit spawn loop (application termination). """ MPIMSGTAG_SPAWN=4 """ Spawn a task (to worker). """ MPIMSGTAG_TASK_RETVAL=5 """ The status and return value of a task (to master). """ MPIMSGTAG_TASK_EXIT=6 """ A task has finished (to master). """ MPIMSGTAG_SET_DEBUG=7 """ Set the debug level of worker. """ MPIMSGTAG_DBGMSG=8 """ Debug message that will be printed by rank 0 process. """ MPIMSGTAG_TASK_EXCEPTION=9 """ Exception forwarding from worker to spawner. """ MPIMSGTAG_MESSAGE=100 """ Message sent to a task. """ MPIMSGTAG_SPAWNER_CALL=101 """ Request for master to run a function. """ MPIMSGTAG_SPAWNER_CALL_RESULT=102 """ Response from master with function's return value. """ MPIMSGTAG_ADD_PERSISTENT_OBJECT=103 """ Add a new object to the persistent object table. """ MPIMSGTAG_REMOVE_PERSISTENT_OBJECT=104 """ Remove a persistent object from the persistent object table. """ # # Message handling at MPI level. # def sendMPIMessage(rank, msgTag, msg): """ Sends a message (binary string *msg*) to the task with rank *rank*. The message is tagged with an integer *msgTag*. Should never be called by the user if the communication methods of :class:`MPI` are used. """ try: mpi.COMM_WORLD.send( msg, dest=rank, tag=msgTag ) return True except KeyboardInterrupt: DbgMsgOut("MPI", "keyboard interrupt") raise except: return False def receiveMPIMessage(timeout=-1.0, msgTag=-1, fromRank=-1): """ Receives a message (binary string) with tag *msgTag* (integer) from a task with rank given by *fromRank* (integer). If *fromRank* is negative messages from all tasks are accepted. If *msgTag* is negative messages with any tag are accepted. If the message is not received within *timout* seconds, returns an empty tuple. Negative values of *timeout* stands for infinite timeout. If a message is received a tuple (*source*, *tag*, *msg*) is returned where *source* is the rank of the sender, *tag* is the message tag, and *msg* is the message. Should never be called by the user if the communication methods of :class:`MPI` are used. """ if msgTag<0: tag=mpi.ANY_TAG else: tag=msgTag if fromRank<0: rank=mpi.ANY_SOURCE else: rank=fromRank # Communicator comm=mpi.COMM_WORLD rcvd=False st=mpi.Status() try: if timeout>0.0: # This is ugly. Don't use timeout with MPI. mark=time() while True: val, tag1, rank1 = checkForIncoming(msgTag=tag, fromRank=rank) if val: msg=comm.recv(source=rank1, tag=tag1, status=st) rcvd=True break if time()-mark>timeout: break elif timeout==0.0: # Non-blocking val, tag1, rank1 = checkForIncoming(msgTag=tag, fromRank=rank) if val: msg=comm.recv(source=rank1, tag=tag1, status=st) rcvd=True else: # Blocking msg=comm.recv(source=rank, tag=tag, status=st) rcvd=True except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: return None if rcvd: return (st.Get_source(), st.Get_tag(), msg) elif timeout>=0.0: # Timeout, return empty tuple return () else: # Error, return None return None def checkForIncoming(msgTag=-1, fromRank=-1): """ Returns a tuple (*b*, *tag*, *src*). *b* is ``True`` if a message with tag *msgTag* is waiting to be received from *fromRank*. *tag* and *rank* are the message tag and the rank of the sender. Negative values of *msgTag* and *fromrank* match a message with an arbitrary tag/source. """ if msgTag<0: tag=mpi.ANY_TAG else: tag=msgTag if fromRank<0: rank=mpi.ANY_SOURCE else: rank=fromRank try: st=mpi.Status() # Should be Improbe in the future, not implemented yet in OpenMPI res=mpi.COMM_WORLD.Iprobe(source=rank, tag=tag, status=st) tag=st.Get_tag() rank=st.Get_source() return (res!=0), tag, rank except KeyboardInterrupt: DbgMsgOut("MPI", "keyboard interrupt") raise except: return False class MPIMessagePrinter(MessagePrinter): """ MessagePrinter for sending a message to rank 0 for printing. Buffers messages. Sends them when the :meth:`flush` method is invoked. """ def __init__(self): MessagePrinter.__init__(self) self.buf=[] def write(self, message): self.buf.append(message) def flush(self): txt="".join(self.buf) self.buf=[] # Send try: mpi.COMM_WORLD.send( txt, dest=0, tag=MPIMSGTAG_DBGMSG ) except: raise # # These functions are used only at module import # def updateWorkerInfo(): """ Updates the internal information of :class:`MPI` class used by a worker task. """ # Get my rank try: MPI.rank=mpi.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() except KeyboardInterrupt: DbgMsgOut("MPI", "Keyboard interrupt.") raise except: MPI.rank=None # Get my host # Clear vmStatus (we are not a spawner) MPI.vmStatus=None def updateSpawnerInfo(): """ Updates the internal information used by a spawner. :attr:`MPI.vmStatus` is a dictionary with three members: * ``hosts`` - information about the hosts in the virtual machine * ``slots`` - information about the task slots in the virtual machine * ``freeSlots`` - set of free slots * ``usedSlots`` - set of used slots, * ``freeHosts`` - set of objects of class :class:`HostID` corresponding * to hosts with at least one free slot * ``slot2host`` - a dictionary for getting the hostname from slot number ``hosts`` is a dictionary with ``hostname`` for key and members that are dictionaries with the following members: * ``slots`` - the set of all slots on a host * ``freeSlots`` - the set of free slots on a host * ``ncpu`` - the number of CPU cores in the host ``slots`` is a dictionary with rank for key and members that are dictionaries with the following members: * ``host`` - the ``hostname`` of the host where this slot resides * ``taskNumber`` - the task number of the task in slot (-1=no task) The ``ncpu`` dictionary members of the ``hosts`` dictionary are obtained with the :meth:`updateCoreCount` method. """ MPI.taskNumber=0 MPI.nextTaskNumber=1 comm=mpi.COMM_WORLD if comm.Get_rank()!=0: raise PyOpusError(DbgMsg("MPI", "Task not configured as spawner.")) # Handle spawner slot MPI.vmStatus={ 'hosts': { { 'slots': set([0]), 'freeSlots': set(), 'ncpu': getNumberOfCores() } }, 'slots': { 0: { 'host':, 'taskNumber': 0, 'pid': } } , 'usedSlots': set([0]), 'freeSlots': set(), 'freeHosts': set(), 'slot2host': { 0: } } # Requests the number of CPUs and hostname from every slot, except this one worldsize=comm.Get_size() for rank in range(1, worldsize): comm.send(0, dest=rank, tag=MPIMSGTAG_REQUEST_NCPU) # Receive responses count=0 while count<worldsize-1: st=mpi.Status() msg=comm.recv(source=mpi.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPIMSGTAG_NCPU, status=st) src=st.Get_source() (ncpu, hostname, pid)=msg # hosts if hostname not in MPI.vmStatus['hosts']: MPI.vmStatus['hosts'][hostname]={'slots': set(), 'freeSlots': set(), 'ncpu': ncpu} MPI.vmStatus['hosts'][hostname]['freeSlots'].add(src) MPI.vmStatus['hosts'][hostname]['slots'].add(src) # slots # MPI.vmStatus['slots'][src]={ 'host': hostname, 'taskNumber': -1 } MPI.vmStatus['slots'][src]={ 'host': hostname, 'taskNumber': -1, 'pid': pid } # Slot to host conversion MPI.vmStatus['slot2host'][src]=hostname count+=1 # Initial set of free slots MPI.vmStatus['freeSlots']=set(range(1, worldsize)) # Initial set of free hosts for hostName, desc in MPI.vmStatus['hosts'].items(): if len(desc['freeSlots'])>0: MPI.vmStatus['freeHosts'].add(MPIHostID(hostName)) # # Mark that we are the first imported VM # if base.firstVM is None: base.firstVM=MPI # There is no portable way to detect whether we were started using mpirun/mpiexec. # # Spawner and worker go separate paths here. # This happens at first import of MPI. # updateWorkerInfo() # A set holding vmIndex values for which the initial mirror-cleanup was performed firstSpawnDone=set() # Infinite loop for worker, nothing special for spawner. myRank=mpi.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() if myRank>0: # Worker comm=mpi.COMM_WORLD # Set debug message printer DbgSetDefaultPrinter(MPIMessagePrinter()) # Turn on worker debugging workerDebug=0 if workerDebug: DbgMsgOut("MPIWORKER", "Entering worker loop, rank=%d on %s" % (myRank, # Await spawn requests in a loop exitCode=0 while True: st=mpi.Status() msg=comm.recv(source=0, tag=mpi.ANY_TAG, status=st) # mpi.ANY_SOURCE src=st.Get_source() tag=st.Get_tag() if tag==MPIMSGTAG_SPAWN: (mpi_vm, functionDesc, args, kwargs, sendBack, taskNumber)=msg if mpi_vm.vmIndex not in firstSpawnDone: # This is the first time this vm index is spawning firstSpawnDone.add(mpi_vm.vmIndex) # If we are mirroring and using persistent storage # remove existing local storage from previous runs with the same pid/vmIndex if mpi_vm.mirrorList is not None and mpi_vm.persistentStorage: mpi_vm.cleanupEnvironment(mpi_vm.localStoragePath(), forceCleanup=True) if workerDebug: DbgMsgOut("MPIWORKER", "Spawn request received, spawning MPI task id=%d:%d on %s." % (myRank, taskNumber, # Flush stdout so parent will receive it. sys.stdout.flush() # Prepare function function=VirtualMachine.desc2func(functionDesc) # Prepare working environment taskStorage=mpi_vm.prepareEnvironment() # Set task number MPI.taskNumber=taskNumber # Assume spawn failed success=False response=None # Call function try: response=function(*args, **kwargs) success=True ei=None except KeyboardInterrupt: DbgMsgOut("MPI", "Keyboard interrupt.") ei=exc_info() except: if workerDebug: DbgMsgOut("MPIWORKER", "MPI task %d:%d on %s failed." % (myRank, taskNumber, ei=exc_info() if ei is not None: ex=format_exception(ei[0], ei[1], ei[2]) comm.send( (ex,), dest=0, tag=MPIMSGTAG_TASK_EXCEPTION ) success=False response=None if workerDebug: DbgMsgOut("MPIWORKER", "MPI task %d:%d on %s finished." % (myRank, taskNumber, # Flush stdout so parent will receive it. sys.stdout.flush() # Clear working environment mpi_vm.cleanupEnvironment(taskStorage) # Default response if sendBack is not True: response=None # Flush stdout so parent will receive it. sys.stdout.flush() # Send back response if requested if sendBack: comm.send( (taskNumber, success, response), dest=0, tag=MPIMSGTAG_TASK_RETVAL ) if workerDebug: DbgMsgOut("MPIWORKER", "MPI task %d:%d on %s results message sent." % (myRank, taskNumber, # Flush stdout so parent will receive it. sys.stdout.flush() # Send back task exit message comm.send( taskNumber, dest=0, tag=MPIMSGTAG_TASK_EXIT ) if workerDebug: DbgMsgOut("MPIWORKER", "MPI task %d:%d on %s exit message sent." % (myRank, taskNumber, # Flush stdout so parent will receive it. sys.stdout.flush() elif tag==MPIMSGTAG_REQUEST_NCPU: if workerDebug: DbgMsgOut("MPIWORKER", "CPU thread count request received.") # Flush stdout so parent will receive it. sys.stdout.flush() comm.send((getNumberOfCores(),,, dest=src, tag=MPIMSGTAG_NCPU) elif tag==MPIMSGTAG_EXIT: if workerDebug: DbgMsgOut("MPIWORKER", "Worker loop exit request received, rank=%d on %s." % (myRank, # Flush stdout so parent will receive it. sys.stdout.flush() break elif tag==MPIMSGTAG_SET_DEBUG: debug=msg workerDebug=debug if workerDebug or debug: DbgMsgOut("MPIWORKER", "Setting debug level to %d, rank=%d on %s" % (debug, myRank, # Flush stdout so parent will receive it. sys.stdout.flush() elif tag==MPIMSGTAG_ADD_PERSISTENT_OBJECT: obj, oid = msg VirtualMachine._addPersistentObject(obj, oid) if workerDebug: DbgMsgOut("MPIWORKER", "Adding persistent object 0x%x, rank=%d on %s" % (oid, myRank, # Use our custom pickler for object persistence # mpi.pickle.dumps=base._dumps # Does not work under Windows, Python 3.7.4 # mpi.pickle.loads=base._loads mpi.pickle.__init__(base._dumps, base._loads) elif tag==MPIMSGTAG_REMOVE_PERSISTENT_OBJECT: oid=msg if workerDebug: DbgMsgOut("MPIWORKER", "Removing persistent object 0x%x, rank=%d on %s" % (oid, myRank, VirtualMachine._removePersistentObject(oid) # At this point all MPIMSGTAG_MESSAGE messages are dropped. # They are processed only in spawned functions. if workerDebug: DbgMsgOut("MPIWORKER", "Leaving worker loop, rank=%d on %s, exit code=%d." % (myRank,, exitCode)) # Flush stdout so parent will receive it. sys.stdout.flush() # Worker exits here mpi.Finalize() sys.exit(exitCode) else: # Spawner updateSpawnerInfo()