:mod:`pyopus.misc.halton` --- Generalized Halton sequence generator =================================================================== .. class:: ghalton.GeneralizedHalton(dim[, seed] | config) Creates a generalized Halton generator. It takes at least one argument, either the dimensionality, or a configuration. When the dimensionality is given, an optional argument can be used to seed for the random permutations created. The configuration is a series of permutations each of *n_i* numbers, where *n_i* is the *n_i*'th prime number. In that last case, the dimensionality is infered from the number of sublists given. :param dim: Dimensionality of the points to create :type dim: integer :param seed: Seed to create the permutations :type seed: integer :param config: List of permutations to scramble the halton digits :type config: list of lists of integers .. method:: ghalton.GeneralizedHalton.get(n) Retreive the *n* next points from this sequence. Each point is a :class:`list` containing each value for each coordinates and the points are returned in a :class:`list` of *n* elements even if *n* is 1. .. method:: ghalton.GeneralizedHalton.reset() Reset the generator to its initial state, i.e. before it generated the first point. .. method:: ghalton.GeneralizedHalton.seed([config]) Seed the generator with a new seed or configuration. Seeding a generator automatically call :meth:`~ghalton.GeneralizedHalton.reset`. :param config: The config to seed the sequencer :type config: :data:`None`, integer, or list of lists of integers .. class:: ghalton.Halton(dim) Creates a Halton generator of dimensionality *dim*. This is similar to creating a :class:`~ghalton.GeneralizedHalton` sequence with the identity permutations. .. method:: ghalton.Halton.get(n) Retreive the *n* next points from this sequence. Each point is a :class:`list` containing each value for each coordinates and the points are returned in a :class:`list` of *n* elements even if *n* is 1. .. method:: ghalton.Halton.reset() Reset the generator to its initial state, i.e. before it generated the first point. .. data:: ghalton.EA_PERMS Permutations described in [DeRainville2012]_ for the 100 first dimensions of the Generalized Halton sequence. .. data:: ghalton.PRIMES Prime numbers lower than 10000. .. [DeRainville2012] F.-M. De Rainville, C. Gagné, O. Teytaud, D. Laurendeau. *Evolutionary optimization of low-discrepancy sequences.* ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., 22(2):1-25, 2012. This module was written by Francois-Michel De Rainville (version 0.2.0) and released under GNU LGPL.